I do not know why I am confronting this battle, but I know I will defeat these giants! My mom once told me, "Everyone has giants to conquer, this is just yours, and you will defeat them".
Sometimes, or most of the time, I just don't understand God. I am unable to comprehend what He is doing. The really funny thing, is that I constantly forget who is in control, it is not me, it is God. I forget to look back and see where I was and where I am right now. There's a vast sum of things I've gone through that I did not seem to understand at the prescise moment when I was battling with these "things". I look back, and smile.
I forget to remember that God is forming me. He is shaping me day by day to be more like Him.
God knows absolutely everything that has happened, what is currently happening, and what the future holds for me. God, I do not know why I am going through this, why I was made like this, why I feel like this, why they do this to me, blah, blah, blah....I will probably never fully understand. Our minds in comparison to God's are negative infinity (if that exists) to infinity, times infinity, to the infinite power, times over and over. Okay, that probably caused confusion.
" 'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nore are your ways My ways,' says the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts' ".
-Isaiah 55:8-9
He IS ALWAYS doing something, and He is going to do far greater things than I can ever imagine.